Monday, July 26, 2010

seen and not heard.

Very few of my memories include sound. When I think back to nights in Italy or trips to the beach in high school, I don't recall any particular sounds or voices -- only faces. The best nights (usually the drunken ones) are just a series of silent clips and snapshots.

The other night I went out with some of my friends in the city and thought to myself, "Hey Ange, [yes, I address myself in my thoughts] you should record some of the night on your phone so your drunk ass brain doesn't have to work that hard!"

Genius, right? Well, once again, technology had to shit on my parade. No, not rain. Shit.

The morning after our night of gallivanting, I went to watch the videos and...guess what. NO SOUND.

I was pissed at first but after a while, I kinda liked it. Sound would have almost ruined it. Watching this now, I have no idea what in the world we were talking about, but apparently, it was absolutely HILARIOUS.

This is how I want to remember being 21. Laughter. I don't care what about because in 20 years, it will probably be culturally irrelevant anyways.

I just want to remember that I was on a bus at 2 am with my best friends laughing about something. Anything. Everything.