Monday, December 21, 2009

Hwite Christmas.

So, my brother and I always complain about how we have to take goofy ass pictures on family trips. We always have to stand awkwardly, pretending like we love each other. The pictures usually turn out like this:

Can you feel the love?

But for this family trip, bro-seidon and I decided to humor our parents because they sacrificed a lot so that we could take this trip to Tahoe.

We realize that our family trips are just as much, if not more, fun for them just because they miss the good ol' days when we were so young that even just getting in the car was fun. Now our family trips are plagued by my incurable motion sickness, my brother's incessant text messaging, my dad's need to sing Christian music for 5 hours straight, and my mom's claims that she would have rather stayed home and watched Filipino tv. Family vacations Picardo style.

What my brother and I didn't expect was to actually enjoy our parents' company on this trip.

Definite WTF moment here:

My mom probably made an inappropriate joke about...well, anything.

During the day, we split up so the chillun could go snowboarding and Bennifer (my parents are literally named Ben and Jennifer) could gamble my college fund away.

Snowboarding was sick because we basically had the mountain to ourselves. We even had some room to get a little extreme.

Chaos, I tell you.

We reunited around 5 and decided to cook dinner in our room. We stayed at Northstar, paid $255 for a 4 person room AND got two free lift tickets with access to the priority lift line. WHA WHAAAAAAAA.

After a wonderful steak dinner in front of the tv watching Dirty Jobs, we left to go ice skate in the Village. Of course, it closed .015 seconds before we got there so we went to Plan B: DRINK. Again, family vacations Picardo style. We found a nice little Jazz spot that had awesome live music, good dessert, and sold me alcohol. I effectively got wasted because I guess the altitude makes a difference? Whatever. If only it took me one drink to get wasted all the time...

FREAKING adorable.

Overall, good trip. My mom lost $100 and my dad won $150 gambling, so we are in the positive. I still have both of my legs and my brother's snow crave has been relieved for the time being. Good trip.

1 comment:

  1. Alright...two comments:

    1) When are you going to start Photoshopping me into these family pics?

    2) I'm kinda jealous of your snowboarding excursion now. That mountain was EMPTY! Unfortunately, I still probably wouldn't have been able to enjoy it. I woulda been flying down the mountain and tangled up in my snowboard at the bottom with an arm and a leg behind my head in .2 seconds. Sad...
