Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Death, uh, I mean, dead week. Some use it to party, some use it to sleep. Most use it to re-learn an entire semester’s worth of information, not because we were procrastinating, but because pressure makes diamonds, right? :)

Yesterday, I finally sat down at my desk and decided that it was time to begin this 7-day study marathon. How did I start? With a ceremonial 4 hour StumbleUpon sesh, of course.

After copious amounts of cute kitten pictures, macaroni and cheese recipes, and your everyday, run of the mill weird shit, I stumbled upon an article entitled “27 Lessons I’ve Learned in 27 Years.” Everything this person said was spot on (in both good and bad ways), but it left me a little puzzled/excited/concerned. I feel like I learned a majority of these things just during this school year. This either shows that I’ve made the most of my experience so far or that my eyes have been shut for the past 22 years.

So, I decided to compile my own list – 36 Lessons I Learned in 36 Weeks.

One or two are taken directly from the article I mentioned because they are both universal and so personalized at the same time. Also, I had a lot of help learning these lessons. Only some of these are personal realizations – most are because I have awesome friends who challenge me, make me better, and are willing to learn right there with me. Hope you guys enjoy. Feel free to post what you guys learned. God knows it’s nothing on that study guide sitting in front of you.

1. Keep a journal. It makes you listen to yourself, and you’re held more accountable for what you say and feel. And it’s almost always hilarious to read later.

2. Don’t let pancake mix dry on your clothes – it NEVER comes off.

3. You train people how to treat you.

4. You can never be too old for something. You can take yourself too seriously. You can’t be too old.

5. Cry.

6. Listen carefully. “Though something may be foolishly spoken, it may be wisely heard.” –Emerson

7. Sometimes you need to be lost to really figure out where you are.

8. Bring a camera with you everywhere.

9. Don’t expect to get everything from one person. That’s why we have more than one friend.

10. If something is easy, it probably isn’t really worth doing.

11. Beer is awesome. And not awesome.

12. If something bothers you, speak up ASAP. Not only will you fix the problem sooner, you’ll feel a lot better.

13. Everything you say or do has an impact in one way or another.

14. Tell your family you love them everyday.

15. What happens in Vegas should really, really stay in Vegas.

16. You’re addicted to Facebook. Just accept it.

17. NEVER assume anyone has it easier than you. Everyone is going through something.

18. Entire (delicious) meals can be made in one electric skillet.

19. Sometimes things go wrong.

20. It’s never too late.

21. Not everyone is going to like you, so stop trying so hard.

22. One of the coolest/scariest/most bizarre feelings is seeing yourself in another person.

23. Sing. Doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad. Just sing.

24. Sometimes people need their space. Sometimes people need to be hugged. Knowing the difference is really difficult, but a mark of a true friend.

25. Eat vegetables.

26. Stay up late. The best shit happens past 1 am.

27. When you “people watch,” there are probably people watching you, too.

28. Keys, wallet, cell phone. Make sure you have at least these three things whenever you leave the house. Seriously.

29. You are beautiful.

30. “Life is in the transitions.”

31. Get a whiteboard. Wiping something off a to-do list feels soooooooo good.

32. When you or one of your friends says something really funny, put it on a post-it and stick it to the wall. When you see a note that says “I’m surprised you still have pants on” everyday, it’ll take you right back to that moment where you felt nothing but happy.

33. Talking about your feelings is never an imposition.

34. Lambs are baby sheep. Why I didn’t know that before, I have no idea.

35. Don’t stick with something until you’re unhappy. If it’s not working, fix it or get out.

36. It’s gonna be okay.


  1. Haha this is amazing- I was going to make a similar list to give to my parents on my graduation. You know, to show them that I did learn a few things here and there in college =)

    See you in 2 weeks!
    - Paula

    P.S. I may steal a couple of things from this list =)

  2. oh awesome! guaranteed nothing on that list will be school related :) haha thanks for reading! stoked to see you!

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